Were do I begin? My sweet Addi turned 4 on the 24th, We've all said it before but really where does the time go? Addi is such a special sweet little girl, I feel SO BLESSED and THANKFUL to be her mother, how LUCKY am I?! She has the most contagious smile and her big brown eyes, well you just can't say "no". She loves cats and dogs, well all animals for that matter. She is finally getting into the Princesses...I've been waiting for this moment. She loves to play dress up and Dora. She enjoys going to Preschool and loves her teachers. She is or try to be mommas little helper around the house. Addi all I can say is that, "I love you more than words!!!" HAPPY BIRTHDAY HONEY!
Addi's cousin Brooklyn's Birthday is the day before hers, so my sister and I took them to Chucke Cheese's...they had a BLAST!!