
Mid Evil Style

This year for the Harris' Halloween party we did a Mid Evil theme. It is always so much fun and we always have a blast together!
Oh what sweet Princesses...Lydia, Hallie, Oaklie, Addi, Hannah and Sydney.
Our Knights in shinning armor...Brayden, Taylor and Porter.
The kids had fun on these horses.
Uncle Mark giving Addi and Hallie a ride
Brayden and Porter sword fighting and loving it! The object of the game is to knock off your opponents balloon first.
The "BIG" boys are "LITTLE" boys at heart, they were having just as much fun!
Ryan and Jeff ganging up on their older brother Mark...pay back!
The whole gang Mid Evil Style!

Happy Carving

The kids always look forward to this part of Halloween, to be honest...I don't love it so much, but I do it for the kids. Jordan always gets to do the dirty work!

Porter was really getting into it...

The finished product...they are so proud. Porter did a vampire and Addi just a good old smiley face. I guess it wasn't that bad!



Jordan had his 34th birthday on the 24th of Oct, after he opened his presents (a set of good old western DVDs, a Wii nerf game...which was more for Porter, some X-box game he wanted and a great couples massage...more for me!) We headed for our fav place to eat...Tepanyaki's.

The kiddos finally mastering the chop sticks.

Our yummy, yummy food and Porter's favorite part...the onion volcano.
Oh ya, I caught my shrimp, but Jordan's the real pro...three in a row!

The next day his mom had a Birthday party for him...so I didn't have to make a cake (Thanks Sherrie).
We LOVE you Jordan and our so pleased to have you as our Husband and Father!


Our Stay-Cation

We decided to take the kids on a little get away close to home. We went and stayed up at the Little America Hotel in Salt Lake. The first day we went to the Planet Aquarium in Sandy (we have never been there before), we had a blast and the kids just thought it was so "awesome".

Addi would not touch the Sting Rays they scared her to death, Porter on the other hand loved them, they reminded him of Sea World.

The Star fish were more up Addi's alley.

We will definetlly go back to the Planet Aqarium, it was so interesting.

That night after dinner at the Olive Garden we went swimming...for hours!

The kids went back and forth from the pool to the hot tub which was my fave.

Good thing Jordan loves to swim, he played with them for hours and I was the photographer.

The next day after breakfast and more hours of swimming we headed to the Children's Museum at the Gate Way. The kids had so much fun, we were there for hours and they still weren't ready to leave. It was a really neat hands on place for the kids with endless activities.

Addi loved the life sized kitchen of course and Porter loved the construction site.

Everything was just thier size like this cute super market, they loved it.

Jordan even got into the spirit, he is still a kid at heart.
Doesn't he look like a giant?

The kids put on a cute play for us...
The cheetah a.k.a Porter was after the rabbit a.k.a Addi. They are too cute.

Then Addi wanted to do a play with her Daddy.

Don't we all make great News Anchors?

More building time.

The helicopter was pretty neat, everything was!
The last stop on our stay-cation was dinner at the Pizza Factory, one of the kids favorite places to eat. Then they were dieing to go pick up Princess Fiona, Aunt Jen baby sat while we were gone...Thanks Jen!
We had a fun little stay-cation, it is ALWAYS a good time together no matter how far or close to home we are...as long as we are together!